A registered office address is the official address of a limited company.
It is the place where Companies House and HMRC will often send notices, letters and reminders but it does not have to be the main place of business.
Every limited company must have a registered office.
It is imperative that the registered office address is kept up to date and that an arrangement is made to have mail forwarded from that address to the address of someone dealing with the administrative matters of the company.
What address can I use?
The registered office must be a physical location so this means you cannot use a mail box number (i.e. PO Box).
Apart from that you can use any address as the registered office, assuming you have relevant permission to do so e.g. if you are in rented accommodation many leases will prohibit use of that address as a registered office.
The registered office can be anywhere in England and Wales. Companies registered in Scotland must have the registered office in Scotland.
I don’t want to use my home address
Many companies will not want to use an owner’s home address for their registered office so they choose to use a registered office service.
Registered Office services are available through a variety of service providers or from your accountant (ask them for details).